
CARSYNC GmbH is Germany’s leading provider of telematics, fleet, and fleet management solutions.

The brand CARSYNC offers a wide range of products and services pertaining to digital telematics, vehicle digitization, and fleet management.

They offer a comprehensive all-in-one system with modular products and services, including a digital logbook application and an electronic logbook with an on-board diagnostics connector that records journeys in the form of a tax-compliant vehicle logbook.

The system ensures tamper-proof and automated record-keeping for tax office compliance. The target groups include self-employed individuals, company car drivers, and fleet managers.


Carsync Users




App Users


Daily Logbook Records

The Growth & UX/UI team was planning to update the brand guidelines for the upcoming year. The redesign of the digital and electronic logbook application was part of the rebranding strategy. Our aim was to remain modern, relevant, and competitive.

We used Figma, a real-time prototyping tool, to communicate efficiently across teams and gain unfettered access to the design system in the cloud.

Low Fidelity Wireframes

High Fidelity Wireframes



My role

User Interface Designer

Other Projects

Onboarding Animations

JSON-based animations for Carsync logbook app

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Product Illustrations

Vector illustrations for Carsync marketing campaign

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User manual design for Carsync electronic logbook

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