I created a 9-minute animation from scratch based on a delightful short story. The script is inspired by a story from a collection of six interrelated stories with distinct plots but featuring the same cast of characters. This collection, titled Tars va Larz (Fear and Trembling), was published in 1968 by Gholam-Hossein Saedi.
The harsh environment of the Persian Gulf coast serves as a fertile ground for affective disorders. The inhabitants feel perpetually threatened by mischievous spirits known as badha or "the winds," which can possess them in any instance. Such possessions are often triggered by contact with unknown intruders. Through a ritualized ceremony involving special dances and music, practitioners attempt to persuade the spirit to leave the victim’s body. If the victim survives, he or she becomes a member of the Ahl-e Hava, or "People of the Wind."
Scene No. 02 | Shot No. 01
Scene No. 02 | Shot No. 02
Scene No. 02 | Shot No. 05
Scene No. 02 | Shot No. 06
Scene No. 05 | Shot No. 12
Scene No. 05 | Shot No. 13
Scene No. 05 | Shot No. 16
Scene No. 05 | Shot No. 17
Scene No. 06 | Shot No. 18
Scene No. 06 | Shot No. 19
Scene No. 06 | Shot No. 23
Scene No. 06 | Shot No. 24
Character Designer
Storyboard Artist